@Book{OL23323118M, title: {On the art of writing}, author: {Arthur Quiller-Couch}, publisher: {University Press}, year: {1916}, place: {Cambridge}, } @Book{OL27162062M, title: {All the light we cannot see}, author: {Anthony Doerr}, publisher: {Thorndike Press}, year: {2014}, } @Book{OL220291M, title: {History of Russian literature from the eleventh century to the end of the Baroque}, author: {Dmytro Chyz͡hevsʹkyĭ}, publisher: {Mouton}, year: {1960}, place: {'s-Gravenhage}, } @Book{OL10195274M, title: {Introduction to Persian Literature}, author: {Reuben Levy}, publisher: {Columbia University Press}, year: {1969}, } @Author{OL140658A, name: {Reuben Levy}, }