@Book{OL26426115M, title: {The Strand Magazine: An Illustrated Monthly, Vol. XII: January to June 1897}, publisher: {G. Newnes}, year: {1897}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL6297958M, title: {How to be a lady}, author: {Harvey Newcomb}, publisher: {Gould and Lincoln}, year: {1852}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL22890406M, title: {Prairie traveler}, author: {Randolph Barnes Marcy}, publisher: {Harper}, year: {1859}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7203064M, title: {The farmers and emigrants complete guide}, publisher: {Applegate}, year: {1859}, place: {Cincinnati}, } @Book{OL7074030M, title: {Annals of commerce, manufactures, fisheries and navigation}, author: {David MacPherson}, publisher: {Nichols}, year: {1805}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL23437593M, title: {The Gold-seeker's Manual}, author: {David Thomas Ansted}, publisher: {John Van Voorst}, year: {1849}, } @Work{OL7875484W, title: {The Radford American homes}, author: {The Radford Architectural Company.}, first_publish_year: {1903} } @Work{OL17934057W, title: {The Strand Magazine}, author: {George Newnes}, first_publish_year: {1891} } @Work{OL2802636W, title: {The female emigrant's guide, and hints on Canadian housekeeping}, author: {Catherine Parr Traill}, first_publish_year: {1854} } @Work{OL16885294W, title: {The strand magazine}, first_publish_year: {1891} } @Work{OL9472323W, title: {Miss Martha Brownlow, or, The heroine of Tennessee}, author: {William D. Reynolds}, first_publish_year: {1863} } @Work{OL16333503W, title: {Texas in 1840 or, The emigrant's guide to the new republic}, first_publish_year: {1840} }