Publishing History

This is a chart to show the publishing history of editions of works about this subject. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. Click here to skip the chart.  This graph charts editions published on this subject.
Editions Published
Year of Publication


Prolific Authors

who have written the most books on this subject
Jorge Luis Borges, 42 books
Julio Cortázar, 11 books
Adolfo Bioy Casares, 11 books
Victoria Ocampo, 11 books
Ernesto Sabato, 9 books
Alicia Jurado, 6 books
Rosa Chacel, 6 books
Cristina Mucci, 5 books
Héctor Bianciotti, 5 books
Noé Jitrik, 5 books
Manuel Puig, 5 books
Alejandra Pizarnik, 5 books
Juan Filloy, 5 books
Josefina Delgado, 5 books
Osvaldo Bayer, 5 books
Roberto Alifano, 5 books
Eduardo Mallea, 4 books
Marcos Aguinis, 4 books
Macedonio Fernandez, 4 books
Raúl Larra, 4 books
María Esther Vázquez, 4 books
Manuel Gálvez, 3 books
Juan José Saer, 3 books
Eduardo A. Pavlovsky, 3 books
Ricardo Piglia, 3 books