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Revision 28 by Anand Chitipothu May 26, 2008
Revision 29 by Anonymous September 16, 2008
type /type/i18n_page /type/content
body <p>Hemos mejorado mucho nuestra interfaz para que la interacción con nuestro banco de datos de libros sea más simple. Esta breve visita guiada se centra en las mejoras principales de la UI, con un repaso general a la recién publicada API de desarrollo: <p style="padding-left: 224px;"> <img src="/static/images/" alt="arrow" /><a href="#view">Ver los registros de los libros</a><br /> <img src="/static/images/" alt="arrow" /><a href="#edit">Edición / Clonado de los registros de libros</a><br /> <img src="/static/images/" alt="arrow" /><a href="#i18n">Internationalización</a><br /> <img src="/static/images/" alt="arrow" /><a href="#search">Búsqueda</a><br /> <img src="/static/images/" alt="arrow" /><a href="/dev/docs/api">API de desarrollo</a><br /> </p> En los próximos meses seguiremos mejorando, por lo que te animamos a unirte a nuestra <a href="">lista de correo</a> para que nos puedas dar tu opinión.</p> <p> </p> <br clear="all" /> <a name="view"></a> <p><a name="intro"></a></p><h2>Ver el registro de un libro</h2> <p>Todo registro en nuestro catálogo de libros puede editarse, cualquier usuario de la Biblioteca Abierta puede hacerlo. Las opciones para editar el contenido de la página y ver el historial de cambios se encuentran accesibles en la barra de navegación de la parte superior. El hisotiral de cambios permite a los usuarios ver qué cambios se han aplicado a una página determinada, y enlazar o regresar a versiones previas si la información es más exacta o fiable. Por ejemplo, aquí está el historial de cambios para <a href="/tour?m=history">esta página de Visita Guiada</a>, así como el del <a href="/b/OL5218962M?m=history">registro del libro "Last Essays"</a> que se muestra a continuación. <p align="center"> <a href="/b/OL5218962M"><img src="/static/tour/" border="0" /></a> </p> <p>Si disponemos en la Biblioteca Abierta del libro digitalizado, en la página se verá un botón "LEER EN LÍNEA". Hay más opciones en la parte derecha para aquellos libros que no nos conste estén libres de derechos. Esto incluye las opciones de compra del libro desde otros sitios web, ver si los libros están disponibles en tu biblioteca local, o si está disponible por completo o en parte en el Internet Archive o en Google Book Search.</p> <p> <a href="/tour?m=edit"><img src="/static/tour/edit.button.png" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="left" /></a> Además de los datos bibliográficos de varias fuentes, la página del libro muestra una descripción completamente editable del libro y su sumario. Todo usuario puede editar esta información pulsando sobre el botón "Editar". <br /><a name="edit"></a><br /> <p><a name="intro"></a></p><h2>Editar / Clonar el registro de un libro</h2> <p>When a user enters edit mode on a book record, they are presented with a new set of options in the top navigational bar. The first two are familiar based on the overview of the view book page - "View" will return a user to the book record display, and "History" will display the revision history page for the selected book record. The other three options (Change Page Type, Modify Edit Template and Modify View Template) are aimed at developers of Open Library, and are outside of the scope of this tour (if you are interested in developing Open Library, <a href="/dev/docs/infogami">read the documentation on our templating language</a>).</p> <p align="center"> <a href="/b/OL5218962M?m=edit"><img src="/static/tour/book.whole.png" border="0" /></a> </p> <p>The remainder of the form is reserved for direct editing of bibliographic data. Any field that is followed by a "+" sign is repeatable and allows our UI to aggregate data from multiple sources (If you are interested, you can <a href="/type/edition">view the schema</a> that defines the book pages of Open Library). There is also a cover upload feature that presently supports one book cover per entry. Multiple book covers will be supported in the future. <h3>Table of Contents</h3> <p> <a href="/b/OL5218962M?m=edit#toc"><img src="/static/tour/toc.png" border="0" align="left" /></a> A fully editable Table of Contents for every book is also available on the book edit screen. Fields are repeatable as with the bibliographic data. Support for cloning records is also available to facilitate the creation of book records for similar editions. Simply look for the "Clone This Book" option at the bottom of every book edit page. <a href="/clonebook?key=/b/OL5218962M"><img src="/static/tour/clone.png" border="0" align="right" /></a> </p> <br clear="all" /> <h3>The Author Field</h3> <p> Adding an author takes place on the book edit form. Open Library uses an autocomplete feature to help manage our large volume of author records. Type an author name in the author field and a pulldown menu will appear that shows all of the authors similar to that name - if the appropriate author name is not in the database, then select the last option in the menu: "Create New Author". A new author record has been created. </p> <p align="center"> <img src="/static/tour/autocomplete.conrad.png" border="0" /> </p> <h3>Edit Summary</h3> <p> Another notable feature of the book edit page is the "Edit Summary." This field appears at the bottom of every edit page on Open Library. It provides a level of annotation so that users can describe the reason they made a particular change in the wiki. </p> <p align="center"> <img src="/static/tour/edit.summary.png" border="0" /> </p> <p>This field, when combined with the recent changes or history view of any page, provides an informal control versioning system that enables people to collaborate more effectively. The revision history also appears on every user page so it is easy to track the changes that any member of the community is making to the system.</p> <p align="center"> <a href="/recentchanges"><img src="/static/tour/recent.changes.png" border="0" /></a> </p> <br clear="all" /> <br /><a name="i18n"></a><br /> <p><a name="intro"></a></p><h2>Change Language (i18n) <code>(<a href="/i18n">?</a>)</code></h2> <p>The new internationalization feature of Open Library enables users to translate our UI into any language. Currently, machine translations exist for <a href="/i18n/">Spanish,</a> <a href="/i18n/">French</a> and <a href="/i18n/strings.te">Telugu</a> (in progress). More translations are in the works (see <a href="/i18n">"Open Library Internationalization (i18n) Support"</a> for more information) - and any user can initiate a new language or improve an existing translation by editing the strings in our i18n wiki (the <a href="/i18n/">edit page</a> for our Spanish translation is shown below).</p> <p align="center"> <a href="/i18n/"><img src="/static/tour/strings.edit.png" border="0" /></a> </p> <p>Editing is as simple as with any book record - simply click "Edit" and you are ready to get started. To see the results, simply change your language using the language menu that is generally available in the footer of every page on Open Library.</p> <p align="center"> <a href="/i18n/"><img src="/static/tour/language.png" border="0" /></a> </p> <p>Translation of individual content pages is also possible on Open Library. A page can be made available for translation by the community by changing a page type to "i18n_page". Once that has been completed, a user will be prompted by a pulldown menu to select the translation they want to edit. <b>NOTE:</b> If you change an existing page to type "i18n_page", be sure to copy the content into the English (.en) translation page. This procedure will be automated in the near future.</p> <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src="/static/tour/home.png" border="0" /></a> </p> <br clear="all" /><br /> <a name="search"></a> <p><a name="intro"></a></p><h2>Advanced Search</h2> <p>Search on Open Library is centered around faceted classification. In this mode, the top navigational bar is reserved for "facet surfing" which enables users to broaden or refine their result set by toggling options on and off and selecting facets from the "Refine results" option box on the right. A user can further refine their search by choosing the "Scanned books only" filter to browse the full text selections made available through Open Library.</p> <p align="center"> <a href="/search?q=tom+sawyer&ftokens=mhsncqbxgkup%2Cunmegbwqwbia&remove="><img src="/static/tour/" border="0" /></a> </p> <h3>Search Examples</h3> <p> <b>To see a record for a popular current book:</b> <ul> <li>Type `heartbreaking genius` into the search box on the front page and hit "Go"</li> <li>Follow the first result -- taking you to <a href="/b/OL49849M">a book page</a></li> <li>This page contains an excerpt from the first chapter, and if you scroll down to the bottom you'll also see excerpts of publisher reviews as well as the rest of the metadata for the book</li> <li>Scroll back up to the top and click on the author's name to go to <a href="/a/OL32722A">Dave Eggers's page</a></li> </ul> </p> <p> <b>To see a record for popular old book that we have scanned:</b> <ul> <li>Search for `tom sawyer detective` and click on the result with the "full text" button to go to the entry for <a href="/b/OL7100655M">Tom Sawyer abraod, Tom Sawyer, detective</a></li> <li>To view the scan of this book, hit the "read online" button -- taking you to our <a href="">flip book</a></li> <li>Follow the author's name to go to the author page for <a href="/a/OL2572369A">Mark Twain</a></li> </ul> </p> <p>These full text books are made available through a flipbook interface which simulates the act of reading a physical book. Once a user enters the flipbook view, further searching can be conducted within the book using the flipbook search tool. Search terms are highlighted within the text, and denoted by yellow note tabs in the margins.</p> <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src="/static/docs/flipbook.png" border="0" width="600" /></a> </p> <p>If a book record cannot be found, a new one can easily be added by clicking the "Add a new book" option at the footer of the search results page.</p> <p align="center"> <a href="/addbook"><img src="/static/tour/search.footer.png" border="0" /></a> </p> <br /><br /> </blockquote> jq9Edw hf6Snb9Ula10Hdf74n
title Vicita Guiada a la Biblioteca Abierta kuper